Thursday, August 3, 2017
I want all of Wilson's family to know that I give my sincerest condolences to you all.
I grew up with several of his grandchildren, but when I first met Wilson I didn't know who he was. While still living with my parents on the west side of Fairmont, he would stop by to say hello - often to talk about coon hunting, me going to college and a lot about God and his Christian faith. I enjoyed those times when he would stop by - he was a kind man with a big heart and he always had some kind of wisdom to share. I later learned he was a Robbins. He tried eagerly and patiently to make friends with my coonhound. She never did come around.
After he moved from west Fairmont, I saw him years later in a local restaurant with his daughter, Sharon. He didn't forget me and wanted to catch up right where we left off... college and coon hunting.
The one thing I'll never forget is his Christian testimony. He always had something to say about God. I am truly thankful for the impact he had on my life.